LVL Lash Perm

LVL Enhance by Elleebana: Length, Volume, Lift. A natural alternative to lash extensions, LVL lash perm treatment gives immediate, stunning results. It straightens your natural eyelashes at the root, creating the effect of longer, lifted lashes in just 45 minutes. They’ll stay that way for six to eight weeks, plus an added lash tint creates a mascara-type effect so you are always ready to go.
Ideal for those seeking a more natural look, the treatment takes just 45 minutes but the effects are instant. One of our trained LVL lash perm technicians who will provide you with a comfortable set-up in a relaxing environment and perform a closed-eye procedure while you unwind.
Elleebana LVL lash perm (55 minutes) £60.00
On day of your appointment – No waterproof mascara to be worn at least 24 hrs prior! Please remove all eye make up prior to the appt, any make up still on will effect the quality of the treatment! Remove contact lenses if worn. Must perform a patch test 48 hours before. Please call the salon to arrange. Treatment will not be performed without, even if done elsewhere.