Lotus Spa Wandsworth Common
Lotus Spa

Wandsworth Common

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Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is often caused by a genetic predisposition such as a lower amount of pigment and a thinner epidermal skin layer. Sensitised skin can affect any person of any background or skin colour.


Itching, burning, redness, flushing and stinging
Proper diagnosis of a sensitive or sensitised skin conditions is critical to effective treatment

Your Question

Q: Is my skin sensitive or sensitised?

A: Sensitised skin exhibits the same symptoms and triggers as sensitive skin, so it’s hard to distinguish between the two. Sensitive skin is genetically determined and more commonly seen in those of Northern European ancestry. It could be caused by higher levels of histamine in the body and the lower amount of pigment and thinner epidermal layer which provides a less than optimum natural defense barrier against potentially irritating ingredients.
Sensitised skin can affect anyone of any age, skin condition and race who has been exposed to environmental assault, chemicals, or product ingredients.

Q: All of a sudden I’m experiencing skin sensitisation. Why?

A: Environmental factors, aging and lifestyle choices can all increase skin sensitisation. Cold winds and low temperature, sun exposure, pollution, and chemical exposure in cleaning and household products can irritate and dry out skin, depriving it of lipids and moisture between cells that keep the protective layer of the skin intact. Without these substances, skin is left unprotected from bacteria and irritant invasion and moisture is drawn out. Dry skin is a precursor to sensitised skin. Low-fat or no-fat diets can deprive our bodies of skin friendly Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that help protect against water loss within cells and can even help prevent dryness (remember, dryness is a precursor to sensitised skin). Over-cleansing, over-exfoliation or shaving without a protective medium can also weaken skin’s barrier function, leading to skin sensitization.

Q: Is it ok to exfoliate sensitive / sensitised skin?

A: Only your professional skin therapist can determine if exfoliation is right for your skin condition through a complete Face Mapping skin analysis. More than likely, gentle exfoliation and the use of organic skincare will be beneficial to the health of skin.

Q: What is Rosacea?

A: Rosacea is reddened patches or small or thick bumps on the skin. It’s believed that rosacea may be caused by an underlying genetic condition involving overactive blood vessels although the medical community remains unsure of its cause. Rosacea first shows on skin as reddened areas that come and go when a stimulus is present, but can progress into permanently red condition with possible pimples and breakouts. Only a skin care professional can tell you if you have rosacea, or are suffering with skin sensitivity / sensitisation. However, there are steps you can take to help control flare-ups:

  • Take note of what stimulates flare-ups (extreme weather, stress, strenuous exercise, alcohol, and some foods)
  • Staying away from products with artificial fragrances or colours
  • Wearing sunscreen any time skin is exposed to daylight
  • Keep alcohol intake to a minimum
  • Don’t over-cleanse or excessively scrub skin